About Me
Welcome to my personal website! I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Economics at McGill University. My research interests are in the fields of Health Economics, Energy Economics and Environmental Economics. I will be on the job market in the 2024-2025 academic year.
Job Market Paper
- “Household Heating Fuel Choice and Behaviours: Evidence from Rural China”
- Description: This paper investigates the dynamics of heating fuel choices among rural households during the mandatory coal to electricity transition program in rural Beijing.
Other Research Papers
- “How Do Early-life Shocks Interact with Subsequent Human Capital Investment? Evidence from Indonesia”, work in progress
- “The Impact of Clean Heating Policy on Sleep Patterns in Rural China”, work in progress
Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant at McGill
- Mathematics for Economists
- Political Economy of Trade Policy
- Microeconomic/Macroeconomic Analysis and Application
- Labour Markets and Wages
- Macroeconomic Policy
- Microeconomic Theory
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